Now is the Time to Start Making a Difference
Learn about your ball flight tendencies and why your shots fly the way they do. How do the pros practice and what can you begin to do differently in order to play your best golf? Many of us rely on - and have helped shape - the Performance Enhancing Software suite from TrackMan. The end product is a suite of extremely tailored programs that fit any player at any level. I adapt all my training programs and sessions to fit your individual needs as a player.
Trackman 4 - Trusted by the World's Best Players and Coaches
Trackman 4 is the choice of the PGA Tour, USGA and R&A for swing and ball flight analysis. Trackman is the industry standard for accuracy, reliability and ease of use. Trackman Pro measures and displays the full trajectory of any shot, from 6 putts to 400 yard drives, pinpointing the landing position with an accuracy of 1 foot at 100 yards. It delivers state of the art data and displays the shot’s actual 3D trajectory in real time with all impact and ball information. Impact is King.
The Trackman numbers are the brains behind it all.

How will it help your game?
Golf is all about impact, what matters is how you deliver the golf club to the golf ball and thus control the manner in which the ball flies. Do you strike the ball cleanly, hit it far enough to play in a reasonable number of shots and control its spin for a predictable trajectory? These are the real indicators of skill. The first thing we will do is look at your ball flight, where does it start and how does it curve? If the ball isn’t behaving I will then look at the way the golf club is delivered to the ball in order to determine the reason for its bad behaviour. From there we discuss the things you must do to improve your numbers and thus improve your ball flight and upgrade your game. This machine means I, as the teacher, am constantly on trial. I am accountable for making your ball flight improve and the proof is in the numbers. The device enables you to develop a feel and a swing that is individual and specific to you. The better your foundation of knowledge becomes the better you’ll be able to assess what happened on each of your golf shots and how to correct any errors immediately.
Performance Putting
Performance putting has entered a new era of how we practice, analyze and understand this critical part of the game. With groundbreaking data parameters on both club and ball, the next generation of putting intelligence will help amateurs and professionals alike unleash their full putting potential. Comparable to your swing analysis, you can now connect and validate your inner spectrum of feel triggers with accurate, trustable feedback on your putting stroke.
Similar to iron shots, your putts are now tracked from start to finish, and everything in between.
Knowing your Tempo, Launch Direction, Speed, and Launch Direction are some of the most significant influencers on ones putting performance. Add Total Break, Skid, and good green reading, and you will have what it takes to make successful putts, repeatedly. Besides providing actionable insights, these data points also help eliminate doubt, build confidence, and unleash talent - one stroke at a time.
Build talent and skill with actionable data.
Normalisation - Control Your Environment
Normalization allows us to practice in all weather conditions and with any ball type. It converts our range ball numbers to what they would have been hitting the shot with a premium ball! It also allows us to see what the ball flight would have been under calm conditions. We can even adjust temperature and altitude settings to see how they affect distance and trajectory.
Benchmark Your Game - Trackman Combine?
Sometimes it is difficult to highlight which areas of our game are letting us down. The Trackman 4 Combine is a standardized test that enables you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your game. Discover the clear correlation between your TrackMan 4 Combine and your results on the Golf Course
How it Works
You hit a total of sixty shots towards ten different targets, starting with 60 yards wedge shots, ending with your driver. To spice things up, you hit three shots at each target incrementally over two rounds.
The Details
You hit three shots in a row to distances of 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 yards and driver, where after you repeat it. Each shot equates to a score from 0-100 points, based on your accuracy, where 100 is the optimal or best possible score. Upon completion of this test you will have a complete breakdown of how you scored at each distance, as well as a total score which will be uploaded to the global TRACKMAN COMBINE world leaderboard, Compare your score to players around the world as well as PGA Tour Stars.
The Trackman 4 Combine has become the quickest way to not only, transfer training on the practice tee to performance on the Golf Course, but also allows amateurs and professional alike to compete on an even level.
The test can be taken in 30-45 minutes and costs £40.
When Your Trackman 4 Combine is Completed, you will receive a report containing:
A TrackMan Combine score for every yardage
An aggregate TrackMan Combine score
Your average distance to the pin for every yardage
Your average driver distance and accuracy
Free access to the online TrackMan Combine database to compare your scores with the pros and your peers
A percentile ranking for each yardage – based on the selected peer group
Your Trackman Combine Score = Your Ball Striking Ability
Since it’s introduction, Major Championship winners to high handicappers have taken a TrackMan Combine. In fact, the database of TrackMan Combine scores now numbers in the thousands.
Trackman Gapping Sessions
Tired of not hitting the ball the right distance? Do you ever feel you have a big distance gap in your bag, or that two clubs are similar in distance? I can help. One of the frequent uses of TrackMan is a distance gapping session. This is vital information for scoring better at golf and making more accurate club selection decisions. As golfers, we need to have the best idea of exactly how far we hit each club.
You will hit four to six shots with each club in your bag on my TrackMan 4, which will give you exact numbers on how far the ball carries with each club. I will offer advice and input throughout the session and will email you a PDF detailing the results for each club tested.
Trackman Wedge Sessions
Another critical part of scoring your best is controlling your wedges. With Trackman we can work on your carry distances, trajectories and the amount of spin on the ball. Do you need play in a 50 yard shot with a low trajectory and lots of spin or a 50 yard shot with a higher trajectory and less spin? With the feedback Trackman provides on each shot it is possible to significantly reduce your learning curve.
Not only is the distance you hit it important, but the wedge set make-up is huge. How many wedges should you have to enhance your scoring opportunities? What are your best lofts? What is the best bounce for you on each wedge? Are you a picker or a digger? The type of grasses you play on and your impact conditions play a huge part in the selection of each wedge.
The best players realise the scoring implications of having the correct wedges in their bag. A ½ a shot per round can be the difference between winning and losing. Remember a ½ per round over 4 rounds is 2 shots.
As important as this is for the PGA Touring Professional, it’s even more important for the average player who doesn’t have the skill level of a Tour Player.
Test Sessions
Trackman test sessions enable you to make your practice sessions stimulating and pressured thus simulating competitive golf as much as possible. This is all about developing your skills so you can have the confidence to take them to the golf course.
Custom Fitting
Custom fitting plays a definite role in maximising your performance levels. It is possible to make gains by optimising both your golf clubs and your golf ball to suit your swing and your game.
Key Data Parameters
The TrackMan numbers are the brain behind it all. All major stakeholders of the game, without exception, use and trust Trackman numbers for two main reasons: precision and reliability. Below are examples of some of the key club and ball definitions we can track with TrackMan.
Smash Factor is ball speed divided by club speed.
Smash Factor relates to the amount of energy transferred from the club head to the golf ball.
The higher the smash factor the better the energy transfer.

Spin Rate is the amount of spin on the golf ball immediately after impact
Spin rate has a major influence on the height and distance of a shot. Spin rate is one of the least appreciated numbers, especially in windy conditions.
Launch Angle is the angle the ball takes off at relative to the ground.
Launch angle is highly correlated to dynamic loft. Launch angle will always be a little less than dynamic loft, but will have a similar value.

Club Speed determines a golfer’s potential distance
Club Speed is the speed the club head is traveling immediately prior to impact. More club speed equals more potential distance.
Ball Speed is the speed of the golf ball immediately after impact
Ball speed is created by club speed and impact.
Bad impact such as shots hit on the toe or heel will reduce the potential ball speed.

Carry is the distance the ball travels through the air.
An important thing to know about carry is that the value is given for a landing area that is the same height as where the ball is hit from. Then the golfer can adjust for uphill and downhill shots on the course.
Dynamic Loft is the amount of loft on the club face at impact.
The golfer’s attack angle, how the shaft bends, how the golfer releases the club head, whether the club face is open or closed to the club path, and where the ball makes contact on the club face can all impact the dynamic loft.

Attack Angle is the direction the club head is moving (up or down) at impact.
Shots hit off the ground should have a negative attack angle in order to create “ball first” contact.
Club Path is the direction the club head is moving (right or left) at impact.
Most golfers relate this number to hitting the ball “in-to-out” or “out-to-in”.
A positive value means the club is moving to the right of the target at impact (“in-to-out” for a right-handed golfer) and a negative value means it is moving to the left of the target (“out-to-in” for a right-handed golfer).

Face Angle is the direction the club face is pointed (right or left) at impact.
Most golfers refer to this as having an “open” or “closed” club face.
A positive value means the club face is pointed to the right of the target at impact (“open” for a right-handed golfer) and a negative value means the club face is pointed to the left of the target (“closed” for a right-handed golfer).